Covid-19 Student Screener App
Created an app to screen high school students for Covid-19 before they were allowed on campus. Used Google Forms to collect data and sorted through the data in Google Sheets using AppScript.
- Google AppScript
- Javascript
Forkify App
Used the Forkify API to create a searchable recipe database Built the website with HTML and CSS Used the MVC architecture with JavaScript to manage AJAX, state management and html rendering.
- Javascript
Created an app to read and sort through users Google Calendar events to help school counsellors log time spent on specific services. Used ReactJS to display the summary of hours spent on an event in a given time period
- React JS
- Tailwind CSS
re-Fill App
In progress
Creating an app for a boarding school nurse to track student's medication logisitics. The app will capture the students current prescription and display the date new medication and prescriptions are required.
- Javascript
- React JS
- Tailwind CSS
- Firbase Auth
- Firestore
Yebo Gallery Website
In progress
Creating an online art gallery store. The website will allow the gallery to host their represented artist's work and display it for customers to browse and make purchase enquiries.
- Javascript
- React JS
- Tailwind CSS
- Firestore
Siyafundza App
In progress
Creating an online language learning platform. The app will contain video lessons followed by quizzes based on the video. Users will be able to login and keep track of their progress and quiz scores.
- Javascript
- React JS
- Tailwind CSS
- Firestore
- Firbase Auth
- JavaScript
- React
- Git
- Tailwind CSS
- Node JS
- Mongo DB
- Firebase
- Trello
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe XD
- Figma
- Adobe Premier Pro